A painted image from Blood The Last Vampire

The Jin Roh Poster

Images from Blood the Last Vampire Anime



Con Season Continued!

Well we survived another Motorcity Convention. Even though this one was rather small, Drunkenstyle Studios seemed to be a fan favorite. Our table kept a constant flow of traffic and we managed to do some sketches as well.

We really met some cool people this year. We sat next to the guys from Dragon Spirit Comics. They do alot of anime style pen ups that are really nice. We also go a chance to hang out with Melanie Klegerman. She is an erotic fantasy artist who also has some cool stuff (and a hottie to boot!).

The coolest part of the con was actually getting to hang out with some of the guys who do Star Wars fan films. I don't know if any or you guys have seen the Star Wars fan film Duality,but it is just as good if not better than the real thing! Those guys where insane! Below are a few stills from the projects courtesy of The Force.Net







Oh yeah, you all know us guys at Drunkenstyle. You know we bought a gang of anime, modelkits and Hong Kong Cinema. We managed to pick up copies of Jin Ro and Blood:The Last Vampire,both done masterfully by Production I.G.( You know.... Neon Genesis Evangelion). We will have a full review of this sometime this month so stay tuned.









In gaming news, Brian and Brandon also went to the E3 in Los Angeles.( I really must apologize for saying it was in San Diego,Sorry!). They said that the show was huge! They also report that Nintendo's Dolphin game console was actually better than the X-Box! Not that X-box isn't great ane all its just that they liked Dolphin better......

Last but not least, the Memorial Day weekend marks an event of epic proportions here in Metro Detroit. That was the weekend of the Ford Focus:Electronic Music Festival! If you like Techno, House, Drum and Bass, Jungle or Hip Hop this is the spot. D.J.s from all over the world converge on the city for 3 nights of hard driving beats and bass. Its free to the public and did I mention over 1Million people showed up in the last to years since its inception. Needless to say, It was the BOMB!!!

So until next update Mark D. from Drunkenstyle saying Cheers!!!!!!



Motorcity Con and Drunkenstyle!

Im really sorry to inform you guys that Hypertide will no longer be updated!. Due to circumstances at Fantasticon.Com,which I am not really at Liberty to discuss due to disclosure agreements. Paul, Brandon, Jen and myself felt it prudent to end our relationship with that company.

This is not to say that you will not see the Hypertide again or that Drunkenstyle Studios is not eagerly awaiting the next opportunity to work with various people at Fantasticon. It only means that we believe that the Hypertide can be brought to you better at a later date maybe.I would like to thank you guys for the support and encouragement!!!!!!

Having said this, Drunkenstyle Studios will be at The Motorcity Comiccon this weekend in Novi,MI. Ka Xiong, Mark Dudley and Paul Styczynski will be there on various days. We will be doing sketches and signing autographs and stuff on Sunday so gamers Bring your Palladium Books stuff!

Brandon Clark and our Gamestate Crew chief Brian Gillingham are on there way to the E3 videogaming show in San Diego, as we speak. They will be shopping the Hypertide around for possible video game deals. So keep those fingers crossed.

Finally, Brandon and Jeff Burman are well into doing the page work on Mega Dimension Crew. This is a book about a group of dimension hopping heroes who get into mad amounts of trouble on the road to self discovery. We will be pitching this book to image comics. Also Mark Dudley has finally started on the first book in his long awaited series Juda Fist:Seven Deaths of the Yobi. The story is entitled Gunjock and focuses on the past exploits of the Yobi's trigga happy gunbunny of a partner,Zoey Ibanez a.k.a Killa B.This story will premiere 5 pages at a time on the comics section ofNNT website.(see the side menu bar)


Its Con Season!!!

Once again its on!! Its Con season again and Drunkenstyle Studios will once again be in the house. You will be able to check us out on Saturday April 28th, at the Pittsburgh Comic Convention. We will be chilling with our boys from I BELOW GROUND. These guys do our sister webisode on fantasticon called FX MULROONY.

On May 18-20 we will be at the Motor City Comic Con in Novi,MI. This is our hometown con and we will have our own Drunkenstyle Studios Booth there. So come on out and check up on us. That very same weekend some of our crew will be at The E3 Consumer Electronic Show in San Diego,California.

On other news, Check for Drunkenstyle Studios in the newest addition of Palladium Books quarterly publication THE RIFTER. Brandon Clark and Mark Dudley did work in this one so by the Mofo.

Also if you guys haven't notices, our own Paul Styczynski is doing movie reviews at Fantasticon.Com so fill free to go by there and check um out.

Our own bestest buddy Jen Chan has also done some great webdesign work as part of the design team for NOW Magazine. A Canadian based Mag centering around womens issues.So please feel free to check out the site and show Jen much love.

Oh yeah. I almost forgot HYPERTIDE is at episode 7 this week and things start to get alittle wicked for our friend Imir Amar in his little palace of pleasure!!!! Don't miss it.

Finally I would like to tell you guys to check out our new Drunken Deliberations section. Its our sometimes halarious, and always interesting section where we get to talk about any and everything on our minds and possibly yours too. This week we have a few words from one of our writers...Jeff( The Ancient One) Burman.



The maniac has struck again! Paul Styczynski has put the Waif homepage to rest. Look at the BrainFactory link in our members section for more details. Also Brandon Clark's DarkChamber section will be up by the end of the week. It looks really really good so check for next weeks update.I will be done with the NNT(Neighborhood Newsteam)section by the end of the week as well. Vulne Pro, formally IO Productions, is also working on their online magazine. Check the Vulne Pro link in our partner section for details.



WE HAVE DONE IT!! The first week of HYPERTIDE on Fantasticon.com has been a rousing success. We placed in the top 30 of all of Fantasticon's 1000 pages. This is a feat NO independent producer has done before on that site.Now webisode 2 is up so go to Fantasticon.Com and check it out. Viva La Drunkenstyle. I would like to thank Charles Walton and Ryan Fisher for providing additional design work for the project when asked. I would also like to thank Comic City and World of Riches and Rubies for being the two comic retailers that have always believed in Drunkenstyle Studios. Finally I really want to give a big mega shout out to the Fans. Its all on you baby!!


Cha Chic BLAUWWWWW!!!!!!!

I appreciate the patients of all of the fans of Drunkenstyle Studios. Im really glad to let you know that this site will now recieve up the minute updates! That means more Drunkenstyle when you need it.

I also want to announce that our brothers at Gamestate Magazine: The Current State of Gaming are going Digital. Thats right! Gamestate will be bringing it to the web. So expect to see a knew look and some of the greatest art you will see anywere. This site will most likely be linked directly to our site. So keep on the look out!

Drunkenstyle Studios has done it AGAIN!! We have dropped outta the sky with the BOMB!!! Our WEEKLY online cybersodic series HYPERTIDE is up. Ya know what im sayin. And Fantasticon.Com has Got it. Click the Image below and Hold on for dear life!!!!!